Injured by a Dog in California? Your Complete Legal Guide to Protecting Your Rights

Dog bites are more common than most people think, especially in California. A dog bite can result in serious injuries, long-term medical issues, and emotional trauma. California law has specific protections for victims, and knowing what to do in the aftermath of an attack can help you secure compensation for your injuries. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the legal landscape following a dog bite. For professional legal assistance, contact California Attorney Group at (310) 278-6666.

Person in a white shirt holding a pen and reviewing documents on a desk.
September 20, 2024
Dog Bites
5 min

One moment, you’re walking through the neighborhood, enjoying the sunshine. The next, you’re on the ground, bleeding from a dog bite. It’s not just the physical pain that hits you—it’s the rush of questions. “Whose dog is this? What happens now? Am I going to be okay?” And then, the bigger questions: “Who’s going to pay for my medical bills? What are my legal rights?” In California, dog bite laws aren’t just strict—they’re designed to protect victims like you. Knowing how to act could mean the difference between justice and being stuck with the aftermath. Here’s what you need to do.

Step 1: Seek Immediate Medical Attention

First things first—your health is the top priority. Dog bites aren’t just painful; they can lead to serious infections like tetanus or rabies. Even if the bite looks minor, get to a doctor or emergency room ASAP. You’ll want everything documented because medical records will be your proof if you file a legal claim later.

California’s emergency rooms have seen a surge in dog bite injuries in recent years. In fact, according to KFF Health News, more than 16,000 dog bite-related visits were reported in 2022 alone, with children making up a significant portion of the cases . You don’t want to be another statistic—get treated (KFF Health News).

Step 2: Identify the Dog and Its Owner

As soon as you’re safe, identify the dog and find out who owns it. This is crucial. California law requires that all dogs over four months old be vaccinated for rabies, under California Health and Safety Code §121690. Not knowing the dog’s vaccination history could complicate things for your health—and your legal case.

Remember the case where Chris Brown’s housekeeper sued him after being attacked by his dogs? Identifying the owner of the dog is critical, as this forms the backbone of any legal claim for damages. In her case, this identification allowed the legal process to move forward, resulting in a lawsuit that sought millions in compensation (Rolling Out).

Step 3: Report the Incident to Animal Control

In California, you’re legally obligated to report any dog bite to local animal control or public health authorities. This is how you ensure the dog’s behavior gets documented. If the dog has a history of aggression, this report can become a vital part of your case. Under California Civil Code §3342, dog owners are strictly liable for any bites their dog causes, even if the dog has never bitten before.

For instance, California has the unfortunate title of leading the nation in dog attacks on USPS workers, with more than 400 incidents reported in 2022. Reporting these attacks not only protects you but also keeps others safe from potentially dangerous dogs (Fox40 News).

Step 4: Document the Incident

Your next step? Document everything. Get photos of your injuries, the area where the attack happened, and anything else that might help. Write down exactly what happened while it’s still fresh in your mind. Witnesses? Perfect—get their contact info.

Documentation can make or break your case. Consider the Los Angeles woman who secured a $7.5 million settlement after being mauled by a pit bull rehomed by the city’s animal services. Evidence such as medical records, photos, and witness statements played a pivotal role in securing her massive settlement (Animals 24-7).

Step 5: Understand California’s Strict Liability Law

Here’s the good news: California’s strict liability law means the owner is responsible—period. Under California Civil Code §3342, dog owners are liable for any bite, no matter how friendly or well-behaved their dog may seem. You don’t need to prove the owner was negligent. If their dog bit you, they’re on the hook.

Take the Chris Brown housekeeper case again—strict liability laws were key in allowing the housekeeper to seek compensation for her injuries, even though the dogs had no prior history of biting. This is why understanding your rights under California law is so important (Rolling Out).

Step 6: Seek Legal Help

Let’s be real—dog bite cases can get messy. The owner might try to deny responsibility or argue that you provoked the dog. This is where a seasoned attorney steps in. They’ll handle the insurance companies, gather expert testimony, and build a rock-solid case to ensure you’re compensated for your pain, suffering, medical expenses, and lost wages.

Look at the Sacramento pit bull attack case where a victim walked away with $7.5 million. The legal team’s expertise in navigating California’s strict liability laws was crucial in proving fault and ensuring the victim got the compensation they deserved. You need a team that’s as relentless as the law is clear: if their dog bit you, they’re responsible (Animals 24-7).

Your Next Move is Crucial—Don’t Wait

A dog bite can change everything, but what happens next is up to you. California’s strict liability laws are clear—if you’ve been bitten, you have rights. But you’ll need more than just the law on your side. You need a team that can fight to get you the compensation you deserve.

Don’t wait. Call California Attorney Group at (310) 278-6666 for a free consultation. We’ll make sure your voice is heard, your rights are protected, and your future isn’t defined by the scars of a dog bite. Reach out now. Let’s fight for your justice, together.

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